Wednesday, July 9, 2008

dry cracked heels

There are a large number of people that suffer from cracked heels.This is a very common problem on the soles of the feet that is also referred to as 'heel fissures'. Cracked heels are commonly caused by dry skin (xerosis). Cracked heel symptoms become worse as the skin around the rim of the heel becomes thick (callus).

Callus happens from a build up of skin that forms when the foot is irritated or experiences friction consistently in the same spot over a period of time. For instance, when a shoe repeatedly rubs against one part of the foot. Callous can become thick or thin and form in many shapes and patterns on the feet. Thickening callouses can be a cosmetic problem when it forms on the heel and then become more of a significant problem if not treated properly.

These cracks or fissures that occur within the callouses can become more serious when they are left untreated and then become deep, painful, infected and begin to bleed. Heel fissure are typically found at the junction of two types of skin; the skin of the bottom of the foot and the skin of the side of the foot. These heel fissures can be found on just one side of the heel or they may wrap around the entire heel as well. Sometimes a person may have naturally dry skin that makes the risk greater of having cracked heels. The callouses that form in the heel area are more likely to crack due to mechanical factors that increase pressures in that area such as the way a person walks.

Other factors that can be involved in the cause of Cracked Heels include:

Long periods of standing at work or home, especially on hard floors.
Being overweight - this situation increases the pressure on the sole of the foot and heel, making it expand sideways. When the skin is not supple and flexible, the pressures cause the skin to begin to crack.
Wearing open-back on shoes. This allows the fat under the heel to expand sideways and the pressure may cause the skin to crack.
Medical conditions such as diabetes or an underactive thyroid can cause the skin to get dry and cracked.
Other skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

The most important key to successful treating of cracked heels is to exfoliate the problem areas and then apply a moisturizer before bed at night. To speed up the healing process you may then trap the moisture in your feet overnight by wearing a sock. This will help prevent the moisture from evaporating.

It is always worth it to treat your feet properly because healthy feet allow for regular exercise and a healthier lifestyle.

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